Saturday, December 26, 2009
enchanted places
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
down to the wire...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
handspun socktober
Spun it up as a heavy fingering/sport 2 ply:
Cast on 52 stitches for toe-up socks, 2 at a time, using David's Toe-up Cookbook on ravelry. I used green Dale Heilo for the toes and heels, because I wasn't sure of my yardage and I liked how the green brought out the other colors.
Knit along rather happily, loving how the yarn surprised me along the way. This was perfect baseball knitting (we will not discuss the heartbreak of Boston's early exit). Bound off using Elizabeth Zimmerman's 'sewn bind-off' from Knitting without Tears. I finished on November 2nd...but I was watching the October Classic, so that is close enough for me.
Monday, October 26, 2009
and now some spinning....
Last, but not favorite of the bunch. 'Angelfish' merino, Southern Cross Fibre, October 2009 club. Navajo plied, dk weight. I am in love with the colors. It is a very soft, bouncy, sproingy yarn.
Now I need to get some knitting done!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
a scarf for dad
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
fall scenes
Monday, September 28, 2009
eat local
Friday, September 25, 2009
end of summer
My friends and I took our annual trip to G's cottage in Door County. There was much laughter, singing (Bohemian Rhapsody was a favorite), knitting and eating. We enjoyed coffee by the water (her cottage is on Lake Michigan), both mornings. We went hiking at Whitefish Dunes State Park, and Cave Point. What a way to spend the last weekend of summer, the weather was glorious!!
I have been in a serious spinning phase.Monday, September 14, 2009
grammie rosie
Often she and I would go shopping. She was always up for an outing. She enjoyed sitting in the mall, while I shopped. When I would return, I would almost always find her chatting away with someone..."well they just started talking to me" she would say. When I was in college (OT school), another student, who I had never met, made it a point to tell me that she met grammie a church retreat, and how much she enjoyed meeting her.
She was always willing to go on an adventure and try new things. She loved sushi and Thai food (both of which she tried in her 80's). In the summer she would go camping with us, and rarely turned down a chance to travel. Her motto was "I'm 80, who is going to tell me no"
She turned 90 the summer before she died. She fell and broke her hip, while making her bed. She came through the surgery fine. I called her to talk, the night after her surgery. We were joking about me not making my bed, and how she was too nosey to die....that she would be around till she was at least 100. She laughed, and then said "no, it's ok, I'll go when it is my time." The next day she had a heart attack and died. I am grateful she didn't suffer and remained fairly independent till the end. Her mind was sharp, and spirit was young.
To celebrate her 'Joie De Vivre', I'll leave you with this happy yarn, colorful like my grammie. Stormy Sea, dyed by Gale's Art, 250 yards of worsted weight, 2ply. Destined to be mittens for my niece and my friend's daughter:
Sunday, September 13, 2009
sheep dreams
As with any fiber festival the was fiber...lots of fiber. I got to meet Gale of Gale's Art in person. Her booth was a riot of color and texture. I indulged just a bit, and fell head over heels for her alpaca silk roving. I usually avoid silk, because of the smell, which aggravates my allergies. Gale's silk had none of the nasty smell. I have been spinning it without difficulty. It is gorgeous and shimmers in the sun as I spin. I caught up with friends, who were vending. Jeanette (Sun Valley Fibers) from my knitting group was there selling her lovely yarns. At the end of the day there was ice cream, Whyboy needed a reward. Today, I went back, and took a plying class. It really helped me with the concept of a balanced yarn.
Monday, September 7, 2009
cold hands
Now I needed a pattern. A quick search on ravelry pulled up the Maine Morning Mitts by Clara Parks from the Knitter's Book of Yarn. How convenient, I own that book! Being a displaced Mainer, knitting Maine Morning Mitts made me smile. The pattern is very easy, and relaxing. It is the perfect end of summer, heading into fall knitting. I finished them up in a few days. Of course, now it has warmed up again, but I know fall is around the corner. Now I am ready.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
first day of school
Last week when we went to meet his teacher, he announced "I love the smell of school!" Over the year he grew to love school and embrace the community. This morning he threw down his backpack and took off to the playground, looking for friends. He cheerfully greeted his classmates from last year, and was happy that some would be in the same class this year. He walked confidently up the stairs, into first grade with his class, without a look back. My tentative kindergartner had become a confident first grader. I watched him disappear into the building, with a smile on my face and tears in my eyes...I now know why my mom cried every year on the first day of school....Bittersweet. It's going to be a great year.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
summer dinners
The gentle breeze soon became a cool wind, I awoke to a chilly morning. I bundled up and headed up to market for 6:30. The cooler temps had me thinking about comfort food; something warm, hearty. Everywhere I looked, there were eggplants. I decided it would be a good night for eggplant parmesan. The day has been cool and grey, with temps in the 50's, lows into the 40's tonight (did I mention that it is August?). I bought Juilet tomatoes to make the sauce, 2 medium eggplants, basil and fresh mozzarella. When I got home I started the tomato sauce, and sliced and broiled the eggplant. I do a lighter version of eggplant parmesan, adapted from a Deborah Madison recipe. Instead of breading and frying the eggplant, I brush it with oil and broil it (sometimes I grill it). It is then layered in the dish with the cheese, bread crumbs, chopped basil, and sauce. I guess it is more of a gratin. The freshness of the ingredients shines through. It is one of my favorite dishes.
Okra was also at the market. Tomorrow night's supper: Gumbo with chicken and sausage. I love shopping like this. Seeing what is available and designing meals around seasonal produce. I read cookbooks like novels, there is usually one at my bedside. Reading cookbooks has made me a more intuitive cook. Over time you start to see patterns of flavors and combinations. That knowledge, along with a well stocked pantry and local seasonal produce leads to incredible meals. A few of my favorite cookbooks: Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone by Deborah Madison; Hot, Sour, Salty, Sweet and Mangoes and Curry Leaves by Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
spinning round-up
Saturday, August 8, 2009
up north
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
learning to knit
I got bitten by the knitting bug when I was in OT school. I remember my mom at that time sitting down and refreshing my memory on how to make the loops, pull yarn through and make stitches. I made hats, mittens, socks, knitting on and off for years. When I was pregnant with my son, I was placed on bed rest. With nothing to do (daytime tv was not an option, and I couldn't focus to read), I picked up my knitting. I haven't put it down since.
Knitting, not only provides me with entertainment and a creative outlet, it connects me to my past. Both of my grandmothers knit, my mom still knits. My Grammie Rosie knit basic things, afghans, hats and mittens. In her later years, she mostly knit dish cloths (one of which is pictured above). Every Christmas she would give them as gifts. I can't bear to use the one above, it was the last one she made me before she died. I try to remember her teaching me to knit and crochet, but the memory remains fuzzy. When you're a kid, you don't know that moment will be important one day. She still sits with me when I knit. When I am trying to tell myself that the mistake I made 3 rows back, which I think I can live with because "no one will know it is there"...She tells me, "but, you will know it is there" is always her response. She is right, I fix the mistake and go on. I tell her: "Thank-you grammie, for giving me this gift. Like so many of the things you gave me it came from your heart." Unlike so many material things/gifts that are cast off, I still have knitting to bring me joy, comfort, and connection.
On the knitting front, I have been sock crazy. I currently have 3 pairs in various stages of completion, and am thinking about casting on another pair in some of the 'Bearfoot' I picked-up last week. They are the perfect summer project, portable and small. Our summer has been pretty cool (I am not complaining, I hate hot, humid weather), so I have not had to put away the knitting. My last order from the Loopy Ewe put me in 'Loopy Groupie' status, with lots of cool stuff included in the package. I generally try to shop at my LYSs, but TLE has lots of great independent dyers, that I can't find here, and their customer service is great.
Here are my Mini Mochi socks, heel is turned and I am on the home stretch: