We've had a pretty rainy fall, so far. Fall is my favorite season, so a rainy fall really bums me out. There have been small glimpses of fall, I'll share a few with you:
On the knitting front, I started some toe up socks from my handspun for 'Handspun Socktober" in the Snobby Spinners group on ravelry.
Apples...my favorite part of fall. I love all the different varieties, especially the Macouns. The first Moonglow pears are a fall treat worth waiting for.
We visited a pumpkin patch...Whyboy found a lumpy pumpkin, which he said looked really 'scary'!
We have enjoyed hiking in the fall sunshine...a rare sight this year.
Great fall scenes and your socks are beautiful! We went to the pumpkin patch this past weekend, too. It's such fun hunting through the vines to find just the right one. Glad you got a bit of sunshine. Hope there's more to come!
Rainy again here. At least I am getting lots of knitting and spinning done.