Wednesday, November 4, 2009

handspun socktober

The Snobby Spinner's group in ravelry was having an informal "Handspun Socktober" SAL/KAL for the month of October. I started with this beautiful BFL combed top, 'Prism' from Freckle Face Fibers.

Spun it up as a heavy fingering/sport 2 ply:

Cast on 52 stitches for toe-up socks, 2 at a time, using David's Toe-up Cookbook on ravelry. I used green Dale Heilo for the toes and heels, because I wasn't sure of my yardage and I liked how the green brought out the other colors.

Knit along rather happily, loving how the yarn surprised me along the way. This was perfect baseball knitting (we will not discuss the heartbreak of Boston's early exit). Bound off using Elizabeth Zimmerman's 'sewn bind-off' from Knitting without Tears. I finished on November 2nd...but I was watching the October Classic, so that is close enough for me.